Once our participation in a business fair has been confirmed, the next step is to get the best exhibitor, one that will be as functional as possible and that will be an effective tool to frame our soul as a brand. Our stand means everything to us in such cases, since it will become our best business card at the fair. And, so you are not misled when deciding how and in which way you are presenting yourself before your public, Contemporanea Eventi offers you the best tips to design a fair stand based on more than 15 years of experience in the sector.
#1 Design a stand that is coherent with our objectives
Each stand is unique, so just like there shouldn’t be a standard fair stand to fit all customers, our stand should not be built without considering first the fair we would like to be part of.
Depending on the type of trade fair to attend and the objectives put in place in the previous briefing, you should present your company to your public in a way or another: if what we want is to sell, eye-catching exhibitors able to enhance our products is the way to go. On the contrary, if what we want to do is to conduct business, we should procure comfortable spaces where to sit and talk.
#2 Design a stand that is consistent with our identity
Why fill up the space with multifunctional screens, cutting-edge technology, and vanguard if what we are really interested in is selling tradition, solemnity, and years of experience in the sector? A picture is worth a thousand words, so our corporate message is what our customers must see first.
This is not to say that technology and tradition are mutually exclusive: everyone likes interactive screens, but we should properly measure the meaning our customers will give our brand based on the stand we present.
#3 Get the right amount
There is a well-known saying used among architects: “less is more.” Since architecture and interior design are used when creating a design stand for companies, both disciplines are perfectly applicable before the common mistake of unnecessarily filling up all the available space. This does not mean that our elements should be brought to a minimum though, as in most situations, perfection is reached when taking the middle ground.
How to know if I’m over-embellishing my stand or on the contrary, I am not using the space as well as I should? The key is to ensure that our stand is comfortable for both our visitors and us. To this end, nothing works better than the 1×9 formula when calculating the size of our stand.
#4 Comfortable layout
Continuing with the previous tip, your stand should be looked at as a meeting room in your office: you should feel comfortable and move freely, the same way your customer should feel in their own space. To such end, the layout must allow for your product and brand to be visible at all times, but without obstructing the way or preventing us from making contacts.
Here, you should also keep an eye on peak traffic hours and the location of the stand, since being in a central corridor offers unique exposure but also, it may get very crowded at certain times and influence the mobility negatively.
#5 A fair is not a museum
Products must be available to visitors at trade fairs, so they can be touched, assessed, and tested. However, a stand is not a stall at a farmer’s market, so the stand should be kept tidy to prevent hordes of visitors or products around particular elements.
#6 Homogeneity
Beyond the sense of brand mentioned in our second tip, it does not matter if we have decided to infuse a minimalist style into our stand beforehand or on the contrary, we have decided in favor of filling all the empty corners. Regardless of the style we settle on, we must stick to it so as to avoid creating a suffocating environment in the stand or the opposite, generating a void throughout the stand. Either way, our logo and brand must be always visible.
#7 Respect the context
We do agree that when participating in a fair, we should commit ourselves to stand out, and to do that, our stand is our most efficient tool. However, we should not confuse concepts and turn our stand into a gigantic neon sign since this would do more harm than good. If we are participating in a high-class trade fair, we will be better off deploying elegant gimmicks than strident ones, finding the way to attract the attention subtly.
#8 Play with the different space possibilities
As long as it is allowed by fair regulations, do not rule out making the most of the space with different heights and levels, as you can use them to draw attention to elements or areas that need to rise above the rest, such as the spot where you plan to hold your meetings.
Among other advantages, this will allow you to have extra space, more private, while advertising your brand elegantly, always respecting the context as already mentioned…
#9 Make the most of lighting
Lighting a stand goes beyond the need to make our space visible to visitors: use different spotlights and play of light to illuminate spaces and products to your liking. Focus the attention to those areas that interest you the most with uneven lights.
#10 Rely on experience as the determining factor
Even though we may have a predetermined idea in mind and a clear objective, it is crucial to rely on the help of professionals in the sector who can not only understand our instructions properly but contribute ideas and implement them in the best way possible.
But this is not the end of the experience: use all you have learned in a fair to handle yourself better in the next one. Think, which elements were most useful? Which more appealing? Experience is the best teacher, so do not hesitate to use it.