Fairs and stands: how to choose where to introduce ourselves to our public
We could compare trade fair marketing to a long-distance race, but without a marked path. This way, the only challenge we face is to reach the finish line by reaching the objectives established beforehand, for which we can choose among different types of trade fairs, different range of budgets and also, a wide variety of target public. The only thing that should be well drawn is the justification for choosing a particular fair and stand, as well as trusting that the preferred design and stand construction company will be able to understand the most suitable way to reach those objectives and walk the way with us.
Tips on how to choose from different trade fairs and stands
Step 1: get some ideas
We could just jump into the water and instinctively swim towards the fair we think will attract our clientele. However, athletes train for a competition consciously, so we could learn from them and attend several fairs in our sector in order to soak up the atmosphere and above all, picture ourselves in that specific exhibition space and decide whether or not, we want to be part of it.
It is crucial that we reflect on the type of public attending the trade fair and ask ourselves: Are our potential customers among these visitors? Could we help them properly if we were one of the exhibitors here? If the answer to both questions is yes, do not hesitate and choose the space you would like the best stand of all to be placed in and set into motion the engine that will steer your success for the next edition.
Step 2: set boundaries
You might have set your heart on a type of clientele you want to have and you are now far from needing any convincing, but if this is not the case and you don’t want to bend your efforts to find the perfect fair, start by asking yourself how far you want to go.
Would you like to expand your horizons and embark on a new internationalization project?
Would you like to become a leader in your community?
Would you like to compete in the national business league and be a Champions League team?
Keep in mind that ambition has no boundaries in the business world and you are the person to set them for your business. However, do not let success blind you and remember that all megalomaniac projects require tools of equal nature, so choose according to what you can deliver properly.
Step 3: set the reach according to the project
We will be able to choose from the following fairs, depending on the path we want our company to take and expand, national or internationally:
- National trade fairs are mainly multisectoral, limited to the host country and with a small international participation from neighboring countries. They are usually 3 to 5 days long.
- International trade fairs are mainly renown fairs, multisectoral and famous worldwide within and outside the sector although access is restricted; the objective public is screened by the high cost of admission. These fairs tend to be 5 days long, but occasionally stretch out to 10 or 12.
- Congresses are sectorial meetings where all participants come to debate or address a certain issue and where besides exhibitors, we can find conferences or shows attended by renowned figures in the matter in hand. These are usually 2 or 3 days long.
Step 4: look for a stand according to your selection
Once we are clear on the trade fair we want to be part of, we will find ourselves at the start line of this exciting race that leads to success before our audience.
All is left for us to do now is to go back to square one: study your surroundings. If we are not in time to visit the fair, which is always advisable as it allows the setting of optimal implementation deadlines*, the key is selecting a design and stand construction company with solid expertise in the three types of fairs mentioned above, a company that can advise you and guide you according to your choice and objectives.
*Preparation is advised to begin from 6 months to 1 year before the opening.
This is a very important step since there is no magic formula for the perfect stand that goes beyond the one that solves all your business’ needs as well as your customers’, and all while being able to make them understandable (ideally with a briefing). This is the only thing that can guarantee an impeccable participation in a trade fair or congress. Would you let us help you?